Dutch energy and dredging services provider Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. (Boskalis) has informed that the trade union CNV Vakmensen has agreed to the social plan related to the company’s previously announced fleet rationalization. To remind, Boskalis said in July this year it would take 24 vessels out of service in the next two years, 14 out of those 24 would be taken out from the offshore energy division, and accordingly reduce its workforce. The move will result in the loss of approximately 650 jobs worldwide. According to the company, the Dutch Works Council of Boskalis had already agreed to the fleet rationalization and the related social plan in mid-September. The company also said last Friday the company will start with the implementation of the plan whereby the timing of the workforce reduction also depends on factors such as the current deployment of vessels and national legislation in November. Boskalis added that, where possible, the workforce reduction will be absorbed through attrition and redeployment. Despite this, compulsory redundancies cannot be ruled out. (Source: Offshore Energy Today)