Zamakona Yards wins $35 million tuna vessel order

APRIL 17, 2013 — Spanish shipbuilder Zamakona Yards has won a $35 million contract to build an 89.8 m tuna fishing and freezing vessel for Pesquera Miriam SA

To be named Ljubica, the vessel is designed by Cintranaval-Defcar S.L. and will have a storage tank capacity of 2,000 cu.m. It is scheduled for delivery in the fourth quarter of 20014 and carries the shipyard's construction number C-739.

Zamakona Yards is currently building another tuna vessel with similar characteristics for Hartswater Ltd. and is developing two projects for Solvstrans to build live fish transport vessels (well boats) with a load capacity of 3,000 cu.m

17 April 2013