Course description
This course is designed to refresh basic fire fighting knowledge and to enhance the skills of the delegate in leadership and organisation of teams of personnel. Each student must take charge of a team and/or area of operations during an exercise.
During the 4 days of the course delegates will be continually assessed on their organisation, tactics, command, communications and fire fighting including control of injured persons. It also covers topics such as ventilation control, hazards involving dangerous goods, liaison with shore-based firefighters and the effects of fire fighting water on ship stability.
Course content
• Fire Theory
• Control fire fighting operations aboard ships
• Organise and train fire parties
• Inspect & service fire detection &
fire extinguishing systems & equipment
• Investigate and compile reports on incidents involving fire
Available dates:
24th - 27th NOV
23rd - 26th MAR
27th - 30th APR
25th - 28th MAY
22nd - 25th JUN
27th - 30th JUL
24th - 27th AUG
21st - 24th SEP
26th - 29th OCT
23rd - 26th NOV
14th - 17th DEC